
Android Games in Offline mode

Starting today, we added new category called Offline. As we continue to add games to the other parts of the site, after we check them manually if they really work in airplane mode, we will tag them as “Offline” too.


Why do we want the offline list?


Android offline gamesGood question. Many people travel, including us. While data packages are generally available and affordable in many countries, in some parts of the world you get a tiny amount of monthly data that will have to last by the end of the month. Rationalizing the given amount may be tough and you certainly wouldn’t want to waste it on games.


With this list, you will be able to pre-load all the games you want and make sure they’ll work once you board the train. We will only include games that are absolutely proven to work when no connection is available. If you have any game in mind (regardless if its new or old), that you think it should be included in the list, drop a comment below.


(D.B) – AndroGaming staff

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