
Galaxy on Fire 2 HD – unleashed for all

Fishlabs Entertraintment decided to make their popular Tegra exclusive space combat game Galaxy on Fire 2 HD available to every Android user that has the hardware to support it. The game is available on the Google Play store for free.

Galaxy on Fire 2 HD is space combat and trading simulation, much like the old Elite, Privateer or Freelancer. You will take the role of the hot-headed space war veteran Keith T. Maxwell and try to save the galaxy from the alien raiders, while defending your cargo from the space pirates across 30 different star systems. More than 50 customizable spaceships are at your disposal, including hundreds of weapons, power-ups and commodities.

The main campaign offers around 10 hours of gameplay and can be downloaded for free. The two separate expansions Valkyrie and Supernova will bump the playtime to 30+ hours (in total) and can be purchased via the in-app store. Kaamo Club, your personal station, is also available for purchase and will let you dock as many ships as you want, provide infinite cargo space and access to special weapons and customizations from the vendors in the lounge.

Galaxy on Fire 2 has been known to provide excellent sound and visuals, featuring high quality models, detailed high-res textures, special effects and 3D sound. In order to run at all, GoF2HD requires Android version 3.0 or later. Those users who already have the 4.2 update can turn on 4X MSAA in the developers settings in order to maximize the visual appearance.

The game has been updated to fully support Google’s new game services, providing achievements and leaderboards. If you feel like exploring, trading and killing pirates for free, go ahead and try it from the link below.

Galaxy on Fire 2™ HD
Galaxy on Fire 2™ HD
Developer: PLAION
Price: Free

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