
Fiz: Brewery Management Game – Brew some Beer

The game that started as a drunken idea and got a successful kickstarter campaign going, after a year and a half is finally here. Beer and devoted fans of the tycoon-style management genre can finally raise their virtual pints and celebrate the arrival of Fiz: Brewery Management Game.


Brew using realistic ingredients, hire additional workers, upgrade your equipment and discover new recipes on your way of becoming “a world-renowned symbol of excellence”. As searching for that “perfect brew” is not cheap at all, you get to serve customers, research the marketplace and complete events and various competitions in order to keep your business running.

The game developers from “Bit By Bit” decided to celebrate the release of their first game by offering Fiz: Brewery Management Game for $1.99 (for a limited time). Considering the 20+ hours of gameplay you get in single playthrough, all the content waiting to be discovered and the special game mode that randomizes the content for even greater replayability, this seems like a pretty reasonable deal. Rest assured there are no IAPs or gameplay timers waiting inside to ruin the game for you, this is the final price you pay.

[tab:Download] [tab:Screenshots] [tab:Game Features]

* No waiting or in-app purchases. Play for minutes or hours at a time.
* 20+ Hours of gameplay in a single playthrough.
* 70+ Recipes to discover.
* 20+ Employees to hire.
* 60+ Randomly selected Events and Competitions.
* 25+ Marketplaces to research and master.
* “New Game +” mode and randomized content for multiple playthroughs.



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